Saturday, August 6, 2011

TODAY ..another reality and lesson


Last night I sat in the shower and did one of those UGLY CRIES as this heartbreak is taking its toll. I know all too soon that my boy will no longer be with us. It is not fair and soo sooo not right. He does not deserve this, he should have the opportunity to get old ! I am so upset and angry !!!

I measured Brutus' boney tumor on his hind leg this morning . Today it is 8' circ and 3" in length. It has grow so much in the last 2 weeks . I know this has to be so uncomfortable for him yet he still gets up to play with his mommy in the garage ( chasing his ball) ,he still can not figure out why he cant get to the roosters who crow next door but he still tries through the fence, he is still eating his 2 hamburgers and 4 meatballs (laced with pain meds) and about a 1/2 cup of his dry dog food (Call of the Wild Salmon ), going out side to the bathroom and even hobbles on 3 legs to the mail box with me, and wants to go on car rides ( which he hates but he lately has been wanting to go for rides). He is definately slowing way down and I see the signs of deteration. His once almost deadly tail wags are less deadly. He still wags it but its with less enthusiam . My once strong and proud boy is losing so much mass and muscle.

Our promise to Bru is that as long as he is still showing signs of life ( quality of life is important ) that we will cherish each day with him but when quality is not there and he starts showing pain, not eating , not getting up to go to the garage for Mommy time, ect.. then we will do what we have to for him. With love and compassion we will at that time say good bye to one of our most precious loves of our lifes.

Today is not that day .. and I am thankful !!!

FOOT NOTE **another lesson he has provided me is to live in the moment , to live and love unconditionally, fully & freely and be thankful for each and every cherished moment !!!!!

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