Saturday, August 27, 2011


Pictures taken 8/27/11

Well, deep breath and sigh.... it is the end of August and Brutus is now 3 months 15 days post diagnosis.
2 months longer than I thought that he would be here.

(please hit the blue icon words to link to my previous blogs on these topics)

He has slowed down sooo much and the deteration is showing physically. His attitude is still strong yet not as strong as it was 3 weeks ago. He still gets up when some one is at the door but not with the same gusto as before. He lets himself be known to whom ever is there and then he goes to lay down once the all clear has been given. He still goes to the garage for our GARAGE TIME and will catch the ball maybe once or twice. He then will take the ball and go to his blanket in the living room where I will play "sit catch" with him a few more times until he has had enough. I let him go out side in the front yard with out a leash. I preach leash safety but at this point who cares ? He only stays for a few mintues before wanting to go back inside (to be fair ... it is hot outside though, 93 degrees today ). This past Monday, the Grandchilren came over and he was all excited and couldnt get or give enough kisses and it didnt bother him in the least that they were using him as thier personal pillow and tail tugging toy. ("Thump, Thump. Thump" said the Happy Tail )

An old Friend Mark Lucas came by and visited. Mark is one of the victims of Brutus' killer tail when Brutus was in his prime. Mark always enjoyed the tail whippings and commented that he was sad to see that his tail thumps weren't as strong as they used to be but was glad to see it still moving . He gave his "Buddy" a good rubbing and sweet moments of love.

The tumor is HUGE , taking up almost his whole mid leg front and back. The skin is so tight, I fear it will split open soon. If this should happen before we get "the dreaded look", Danny and I have decided that it will be the day we have to say good bye. At that point, I am sure the pain will be too much and asking him to stay any longer would be out of our pure selfishness and not what is best for him.

At this point in the game , He is not showing us any clear signs of pain .. he is only resting/sleeping more. He is not licking or biting the area, no heavy breathing or panting , doesnt seem to be restless when he rests .. which are indicators of pain. I know in my heart he is in pain but just how much , I can't determine...

Right now it is a waiting game. I fear he will not give us "THE SIGN" and we will have to make the call for him or the cancer injuries will make the call sooner than later .. I am clinging to the IF HE IS HAVING MORE BETTER DAYS THAN WORSE mantra . Yet I am trying to ready myself for what will be coming within the next week or two if not sooner.

I am thankful to have had this extra time with him and I am making sure he knows how much we love him and how precious he is to our family.

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