Every summer we get our typical afternoon Florida thunderstorms. With the slightest sound of thunder in the far of distance ( which dogs hear before we do) Brutus will start his whining and can't get close to one us quick enough. He runs to the living room like a scared child. He jumps on the couch and buryings himself in the pillows. He doesnt shake or anything. I geuss the pillows and us just being in the same room provides him comfort.
We have learned not to leave him in a bedroom with the door shut when we are not home because his fears is so bad he tries to eat through the door/wall (picture above).
When I turn on the dishwasher , he has the same reaction. I must admit that my dishwasher is very loud and the I can see where he thinks it thunder and rain.I have tried all kinds of ways to help him with his fear of the dishwasher. Even taking all his blankets and pillows and laying down next to it,eating my lunch and reading a book in efforts to show him that it wont hurt him. He isnt having any of it.
After the storms are over he wont go outside and when he does he acts like the wet ground will kill him or something. It's kinda funny to see this strong willed Pit bull act like such a sissy la-la over wet grass. God forbid it start to sprinkle on him when he is outside as he can't get inside the house quick enough.
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