Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blanket Sucker?

What the heck is this all about ?
Both my male dogs do this. My girl dog does not.
They can suck on thier blankets for hours if I let them. They have done this for as long I can remember.

I have read some where that this is a sign that they were taken from thier mothers too early. Shaft may have as he was a rescue of sorts but not Brutus ...some say its calming to them just like cats knead things ....dogs suck.... hmmmmm.

Some say it is a sign of dominance which I can believe as Shaft used to suck and hump. Now that he is older he is doing more sucking than humping .

Others say it is a sign of lack of exercise.. but they do it even when they are drop dead tired.. whatever causes this , I think it is funny and oddly gross. (maybe its the doggie "BIG O"

Does any one know why they do this? If your dog does this let me know and send me pics

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