The tumor is progressively getting bigger and bigger yet he still has the will to live. He still stands sentry on three good legs over me, his siblings and his house every night. With every noise he hears , he is up and fires off a round of his almighty barks and growls. He loudly advises the noise intruder :
" DON"T YOU KNOW WHO I AM ?" bark, bark, low growl
"DONT EVEN DARE TRY TO INVADE MY FAMILY'S SANCTUARY AS YOU WILL HAVE TO GET PAST ME "THE MIGHTY BRUTUS" TO DO SO" ...bark.. bark.. growl ..growl..growly bark.. and a final nasal huff and grunt
Brutus is still eating, He taking 125 mg of Rimadyl and I rotate that with 100 to 150 mg of Gabapetin . He is still trying to spend a few mintues in the garage, plays with his blue squeeky doll baby ,still goes outside to do his business and to soak up the sun. He shows his gameness by still wanting to kill ( or give a good shaking) to the roosters next door. (one day Brutus I hope one flys over the fence and you get your chance) He is still interested in life. Yet he is slowing way down. He is still having good days..NOT GREAT but not bad GOOD is good enough for now. If good is all he can do ..then I WILL TAKE IT!!!
I swear if he didnt have this big old ugly thing on his leg or knew how he was previously so healthy and muscular wouldn't think he was sick at. You would just think he is a dog that is slowing down with a boo boo leg.
The time is coming soon for Brutus to take his permanent OFF LEASH JOURNEY but its not today .. and I am thankful.
Here are some updated pictures taken today of his tumor
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