Wednesday, October 26, 2011

RIP SWEET LONDON: Lessons from London and Brutus

                                                     RIP  London Antonio Jimenez-Caride
                                                         Grandma's Little Grand-Paws

Last night 10-25-2011 was an eye opener and because of some  of Brutus' lesson we were able to cope with a tragedy that came our way with heavy hearts but semi-clear minds:...

My son Daniels dog, London,  a minature yorkie who weighed about 5 lbs but full of attitude and love   was killed by another dog last night. It was an "accident" as the other dog's leash/collar broke  and  the  dog's  natural prey drive kicked in and he went after London.  In a dogs eye a small black object moving in the dark could be a rabbit or squirrel ect. Unfortunately within seconds , it only took one slap of its big paw and one bite to end this precious little dogs life .

My son is devastateded and I feel his pain very deeply as London  my GRANDPAWS. London will be sorely missed. He was such a cute, loving  and very well behaved dog.  He came into my sons life as a stray and was the light of my son and his partners lives.  I am not a big fan of small dogs but this little guy won my heart over instantly. There are no exact words to express the feelings that our family is feeling over the loss of  this sweet little guy.

I was so proud of my son, through his grief he was still  able to comfort the other owner who was freaking out, who was so upset and in shock at what his dog had just done and extremely remorseful over the loss of London . The owner kept saying that his dog is so sweet and has never had any issues before but now he will need to put his dog down because he has "turned" vicious.  Daniel begged him NOT to take such rash actions because his dog was just being a dog. That his dog was NOT vicious. That dogs are animals and he was sure that the other dog was only doing what animalistically comes naturally to them even if he never showed an ounce of prey drive before.  Daniel begged and pleaded for him not to put his dog down.

As devastating as it is to have lost London in such a manner we hope this owner uses this as a wake up call to educate himself on this issue so that London's death will not be in vain. Unfortunately sometimes it takes things like this to happen before you are forced to  learn about a subject that may have never crossed ones mind before. I truly believe that you dont know, what you dont know until the lesson has been brought to your attention. I hope this lesson will be truly learned and retained and maybe retaught to others..."When you know better do better".

The lesson from Brutus here is that years ago  he taught our family so much on the issue of DOG ON DOG matters. He taught us the lessons we needed to learn on this issues. He made us educate ourselves on these issues  and that  you may never see an ounce of any of these but if you do it is right then and there you need to  step up to the plate and educate yourself  on the issue. He taught us how important it is to be a responisble owner, take the time to truly know your dogs temperment, body langauge and to train yourself and them. He also taught  what letting your dog be a dog and not humanizing them is all about.  I truly believe that because of Brutus' lessons, Daniel was able to handle this situation with such grace and dignity.


There is a big difference between Prey drive, Dog on Dog  Aggression and DOG ON HUMAN AGGRESSION

All dogs have some level of Prey drive... lizard stalking , frog catching , bird and squirrell chasing .. all  are signs of prey drive. To think your dog does not is unrealistic.

High prey drive and dog on dog aggression DOES NOT MEAN YOUR DOG IS VICIOUS OR DANGEROUS !!!  An owner should  NOT ignore this as there are things you can do to prevent further issues. Protecting your dog and protecting others dogs should be top priorty . If your dog shows human aggression that is totally different  ball game  and the owner needs to make a commitment to address this behavior and  seek professional help right away. EDUCATION , EDUCATION, EDUCATION!!

Brutus' and now London also have taught us that no matter how much we try to humanize our dogs they are infact animals and as animals should be viewed and treated as such. That dogs will be dogs and most assuredly  animalistic behavior will win over our humanistic behavior almost every time.  It is the circle of life.

Good Bye my sweet little Guy, go run and play with Ms Tonka and Brutus at Heavens Bridge.


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