Thursday, November 10, 2011

2 Months with out Brutus



                                                  MY FOREVER FRIEND
                                             I know that it must be different
                                         Now that  I am no longer here.
                                         I realize how much I was loved
                                         and how all of you did care.
                                           I know it will be hard at first
                                        when you look around for me.
                                        Expecting to find me in my bedroom
                                        or me sucking on my favorite blankie.

                                           Someday you will begin to see,
                                       Although it’ll take some time,
                                       The happy times you shared with me
                                       The memories are yours and mine.
                                            I’ll remember you my family,
                                      and how much you meant to me.
                                     So please don’t grieve and don’t be sad,
                                     Because It was just my time to leave

2 months ...deep beath and sigh....and a little smile at the corner of my lips.

I read a wonderful  blog that talks about "wiethering the storm " of the passing of a beloved pet. It was helpful for me to realize it is OK for me to feel so much sorrow and pain and that sooner or later the sorrow will turn to smiles and fond memories.

The last 6 months has been a true life lesson in so many ways. To this day Brutus' lessons are still showing up in small wonderous ways.

Life has moved forward without our Beloved Bru in our physical presence but he has been here spiritually. Ninnie has been jumping up on the foyer table where Bru's  remains and pictures are . She has never done this before. (again somehow dogs know and I think she smells his collars)

As time has passed , I have gained a lot of perspective.  I can now look back and be more focused on  all the wonderful things he brought into our lives and not so focused on  why or how he left us.  I can look back and see how blessed we were to have him in our lives the past 8 years and his many lessons he unknowingly bestow upon us.  I want to focus on the positive, fun and good stuff and not staying negatively and dwelling  in the past. He didnt live that way neither should I.

Even though I thought the horrendeous pain of missing him would never end , the days are getting easier and the happy thoughts of Brutus are more and more frequent and the pain of the loss a tiny bit less. His family is on the path of healing and moving forward without as much guilt as we know we did our best for him . I know in my heart that he had a wonderful home, filled with so much love, kindness and care. His family loved him, His Gboyz loved him as well as so many others. He will never be forgotten.  He and his legacy will live on in our hearts forever.

Deep down we somehow always knew that this journey would end. We knew that if we gave our hearts they would be broken. But give them we must for it is all they ask in return. When the time comes, and the road curves ahead to a place we cannot see, we give one final gift and let them run on ahead, young and whole once more. "God speed, good friend," we say, until our journey comes full circle and our paths cross again.

-- Author Unknown

** side note to Brutus *I still miss you terriably and sure do miss your licky loo kisses and the thumping of yourtail but  I can now remember it with smiles instead of a tears.  There is still a faint smell of your scent in the house and on your pillow and  blankey and it no longer brings me pain but  comfort.  When I hear the windchimes chiming outside I know it is you telling me that you and MsTonka are running and playing without pain while getting along with other dogs. I miss you my sweet boy. I pray to see you again someday but until then I promise to always carry you in my memories and heart for ever.  I will forever love and miss my BRU - BOO-BOO

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