Monday, October 17, 2011


 A  comment was recently written in response to my last blog 4 weeks without Brutus.
It has hit a cord with me :

From Prue Batten from Tasmania AU
My family is moving on as well after our Jack Russell Milo's passing three weeks ago. But it's a moving on filled with wonderful memories... we regret nothing and in true dog-fashion, we learn from Milo that life is for the taking, for enjoyment and for living. He would not want us to grieve and mope. I think Brutus would be the same. I just watch dogs when we are out walking and the biggest lesson they teach me is to enjoy the moment, be spontaneous, keep living. Wonderful post, thank you.

Thank you Prue for the kind and wonderful words of wisdom.

I  am having a very hard time not having my TEACHER OF MANY LESSONS at my side, but when I saw how many people showed up for The Pit Bulls Pounding the Pavement walk and saw how his legacy has touched so many lives of both dogs and humans , I knew deep down inside that BRUTUS had made a difference.

 Even though my heart has fought it I know that I Must keep my chin up, live every mintue to the fullest, give all my  love  easily, freely and unconditionally. To behave in a stoic yet playful goofy way and to always  be enthusiastic and almost comically happy to see my family and friends.
If I do this then I do shall have no regrets.
I know in my heart that Bru wouldnt expect, or want anything less from me . When he was here he demanded me to be all that I could be (a well adjusted, centered,  responsible owner) because he needed me to be.

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